Peter Aston is a christian singer and songwriter, a guitarist with the Holtwood Mission Band and also the singer/guitarist/caller with ceilidh band Cottage Industry.


Holtwood Mission Band (HMB) are a group of musicians and vocalists for whom I've been a guitarist and songwriter since 1977 although the Band itself was formed in 1970 - so I'm still the new boy!

HMB was formed in 1970 to provide worship and evangelical opportunities for young people from Holtwood and nearby churches, many of whom had "grown out" of Sunday School but didn't feel completely at ease with the more traditional forms of worship at that time.  Since then many young people have passed through the ranks of HMB before leaving the area for university, work or marriage, although a core of the original membership remains with some of the "youngsters" now, well, of mature years!  HMB is always on the look-out for new recruits, either vocalists or musicians.  If you're interested please send me an e-mail to 

Dates in 2024

7 January - Three Legged Cross URC (2.30)

7 January - Streets Meadow, Wimborne for Epiphany (6.00)

14 January - Woodlands Methodist Church (6.00)

3 March - Three Legged Cross URC (2.30)

14 April - Three Legged Cross URC (2.30)

9 May - Circuit Ascension Day open air picnic and informal service at Holtwood Methodist Church (6.00)

26 May - Three Legged Cross Anniversary (2.30)

2 June - Colehill Methodist Church (3.00)

7 July - Three Legged Cross URC (2.30)

7 July - Woodlands Methodist Church (6.00)

21 July - United Open Air Service at Holtwood Methodist Church (6.00)

28 July - Crowe Hill Methodist Church (3.00)

1 September - Colehill Methodist Church (3.00)

15 September - Three Legged Cross URC (2.30)

13 October - Three Legged Cross URC Harvest Festival (2.30)

24 November - Woodlands Methodist Church with HMB (6.00)

15 December -  Three Legged Cross URC Carol Service (2.30)

We would welcome the opportunity to lead worship either in your church - or (even better) outside the church in your community somewhere - just get in touch!

To book HMB please contact Dr. Chris Slade on (01425) 473017 or e-mail Chris at  For more information, please see our webpage on the Holtwood Methodist Church Website

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